Away from this place…

Summer lasted an eternity and my mental state took a brutal beating. September arrived, bringing hoodie weather and other good things, but the news cycle somehow felt even more dire than it has been these last two years and I am not processing it well at all, no matter how much I try to limit and filter things down. I have exactly zero faith that the “Blue Wave” will happen, or solve anything if it… Keep reading…Away from this place…

It’s just another summer…

I cut the corner of my finger off with a kitchen scissors while opening a package of tofu. You heard me. It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds, but there was a lot of blood and I had to completely stop everything else I was doing to bandage my stupidity and find the missing piece of my finger so it didn’t end up in dinner. Small as it was, it was a rather impressive… Keep reading…It’s just another summer…

Lost a bit of solid ground…

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve opened up a draft here and stared at the blank, white expanse for an indeterminate amount of time, then proceeded to close out the tab without touching the keyboard. I’ve been hacking and slashing at this post in particular for over a week now. Parts are irrelevant at this point, but it’s six-something in the morning and I’ve been awake since four-ish. Irrelevant sounds perfectly fine at the… Keep reading…Lost a bit of solid ground…

When the pictures fade…

Oh hey it’s March. And here I thought I was going to start the year off with writing more here. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…ha…ha…ha… Ha. Ha. Ha. *ahem* Anyway. I have tried—TRIED—to write here so many times since my last post. But every time I open this same draft (started January 11th according to revision history) I find myself floundering, at an absolute loss for something to say. Which pretty much sums up all of my writing as… Keep reading…When the pictures fade…

Standing in the dark…

It’s offensive-something-o’clock in the middle of the night and I’m sitting at my desk in the dark with a mug of room-temperature tea. As I’m writing this, the oldest post on the main page of ye olde blog is my Year in Review survey for 2016. Which means I’ve only published ten posts in 2017. If I actually post this one, it will finally push that one to the next page. But still. That’s pathetic…. Keep reading…Standing in the dark…

Standing right here…

I currently have twenty-six posts sitting in drafts. There are a few that are mostly finished, but I have no intention of posting. Things I’ve written that I thought I wanted to dump into the ether, but once it was on the page I no longer felt compelled to press publish. I keep them because it felt better getting it out of my head. It’s the closest thing I have to a private journal these… Keep reading…Standing right here…