Always the same…

There is a never-ending shitstorm of bad news from an administration hellbent on destroying people’s lives. Anyone with a single shred of basic human decency can see it. There is a loud consensus as of late that if you’re not publicly screeching about what’s going on in the world, you’re contributing to the problem. If you’re not filling your Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/[insert social media platform of choice] feeds with outrage, you are helping the opposition. Silence equals… Keep reading…Always the same…

Damn these days…

Insomnia and anxiety are great, I don’t know what you’re talking about. There are so many things I could be writing about, but they’re not getting written because I just don’t have the mental fortitude for it. I write plenty of posts dumping out raw emotions that never get published. They just sit in the drafts folder never to see the light of day. It feels better to purge my brain, and everything I write… Keep reading…Damn these days…

Over and under…

Writing is hard. I’m still in a bit of recovery mode after my mental meltdown over one single writing project. And while we’ve had a few moments of mild reprieve from gross summer weather, I’m still feeling the effects of SAD. Though I do have a little bit more of a handle on the anxiety that has been all-consuming now that I know where it’s been coming from. Getting back to writing after an inadvertent… Keep reading…Over and under…

The usual session…

If we’re being perfectly honest, I’ve been a colossal train wreck lately. No, no—more than usual. I’ve been struggling with some bad anxiety, which drives the depression to serious lows, which fuels the anxiety, which drives the depression, which…you get it. There are things that are easy to identify in terms of what’s causing the issues, but they are not the only things. And while Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a pretty safe assumption when I… Keep reading…The usual session…

The heart don’t listen…

…to words of wisdom I could never get myself to understand… I am in an extremely fortunate and privileged position in that I don’t have to work. (Not that my mental state is really in any condition to, but that’s a whole other discussion.) Bob has a good job that provides us with a comfortable income. We can pay our bills, save money, and budget for the things we want. He is okay with me… Keep reading…The heart don’t listen…

Not the same…

February and March are a weird time for me. A lot of people have trouble with this time of year, grappling for relief after a dark, miserable winter. For me it’s because of two defining moments in my life. February marked eight years since I got fired from the Toxic Shit Hole. March marks nine years since that first doctor appointment when I sobbed in an exam room in front of a doctor I’d just… Keep reading…Not the same…