Minnesota WHAT?

Sometimes when I’m listening to a song for the first time, I’m not paying close enough attention to the lyrics, and I mis-hear what’s actually being said. Common occurrence. I know I’m not the only one. Sometimes what I hear (as opposed to what’s being said) makes me stop and say, “Wait—WHAT?” And then I have to back up and listen to it again to figure it out. Sometimes actually paying attention is all it… Keep reading…Minnesota WHAT?

Something always comes from the music anyway…

When it comes to the music I obsess over love, sometimes it takes a little time for the switch to flip from Hey, I like this to OBSESSIVE FLAILING. Sometimes it’s almost instant (Andy Grammer, Ryan Star, Ingram Hill, Darren Criss) and after a handful of listens, the fixation is in overdrive. Sometimes it takes longer (Train, 3 Doors Down, O.A.R., Sister Hazel, Matt Nathanson, Better Than Ezra) to hit that critical point. Music can… Keep reading…Something always comes from the music anyway…

Maybe daylight won’t ask me questions…

I read an article somebody posted a link to…somewhere…recently…about how people who write are mentally healthier. I don’t know exactly how “scientific” the studies were, but it made sense to me. When the creativity is in a drought and I’m not doing much writing, there is an obvious gaping void in my life. When the words are flowing, my brain feels like it’s operating like something that resembles a functional adult in her mid-thirties. (MID-THIRTIES—Let’s… Keep reading…Maybe daylight won’t ask me questions…

Listen line by line…

This band, man. I fucking love them. *AHEM* My introduction to O.A.R. was Hey Girl in heavy rotation on Drive 105. (Oh how I miss non-shitty radio stations.) Somewhere along the line Love and Memories was added to the mix, but I don’t recall really looking into more of their music until Shattered (Turn the Car Around) hit radio. (After Drive went the way of every other station on the 105 frequency.) All Sides was… Keep reading…Listen line by line…

Don’t run away this time…

I’ve been trying to muster up a blog post for…awhile…and…I got nothin’. I have a knot on my forehead from smashing into the edge of the freezer while putting groceries away. Because I am just that talented. I had no idea I touched my forehead so much over the course of a day until I had a bruise to hit EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Ow. In the meantime… Andy Grammer released a new song with a… Keep reading…Don’t run away this time…