Make a little wave…

Apparently it’s May? Alright then. …) We got our new bathroom faucets installed and only had to make one extra trip to Menards because we discovered in the middle of the first install that the faucet connector was not compatible with the water supply connector. It ended up being as simple as buying $10 worth of adapters to connect the two sides, but it still completely derailed us for a few hours. The second faucet… Keep reading…Make a little wave…

Just one of them things…

A few months back Bob made the observation that I hadn’t had any new music to listen to in a long time and that it was likely a contributing factor to my general disposition and lack of creative inspiration. I conceded that he was probably right—as he usually is—and lamented the nondescript time frames of upcoming releases from some of my favorites. And then everybody released new music at the same time. Better Than Ezra… Keep reading…Just one of them things…

Don’t run away this time…

I’ve been trying to muster up a blog post for…awhile…and…I got nothin’. I have a knot on my forehead from smashing into the edge of the freezer while putting groceries away. Because I am just that talented. I had no idea I touched my forehead so much over the course of a day until I had a bruise to hit EVERY. DAMN. TIME. Ow. In the meantime… Andy Grammer released a new song with a… Keep reading…Don’t run away this time…

There’s another part to play…

We went to the grocery store when Bob got home from work. Driving down the highway, I could have sworn it was snowing. Bob told me I was crazy because it was 43 degrees outside. When we came out of the store it was SNOWING and sticking and WTF winter where did you come from? Visibility was horrible on the drive home, but thankfully we were only about three miles away so we didn’t have… Keep reading…There’s another part to play…