Another page…

December. People are apparently freaking out about the fact that we are only weeks away from the end of the decade and WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH YOUR LIFE in the last ten years. I am not in a padded room. I’ll consider that my biggest accomplishment. Anyway. Eight thousand some odd words in less than a week and while it’s dumb fan fiction and riddled with an obscene amount of typos, it feels good… Keep reading…Another page…

Making it a slow night…

Back in my days of Live Journal living, I had half a dozen side journals I played around with. (Give or take. I can’t remember without looking it up and I’m lazy.) On one of them I posted random pictures and my weekly stats. I tried to recreate that with a subdomain here a few years ago, but it sputtered out pretty fast because I kept forgetting about it. (See also: Lazy) So far… Keep reading…Making it a slow night…

Lack of oxygen…

Ever have a house guest that overstays their welcome and just WILL. NOT. LEAVE. Insomnia is an unwelcome house guest that WILL. NOT. LEAVE. I know at least part of it is stress related (OMFG THE NEWS FFS), but I know that’s not the entire cause. I just don’t quite know what the other specific contributing factors might be at this point. FNEH. It’s approaching two in the morning, my room temperature tea is almost… Keep reading…Lack of oxygen…

Lost a bit of solid ground…

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve opened up a draft here and stared at the blank, white expanse for an indeterminate amount of time, then proceeded to close out the tab without touching the keyboard. I’ve been hacking and slashing at this post in particular for over a week now. Parts are irrelevant at this point, but it’s six-something in the morning and I’ve been awake since four-ish. Irrelevant sounds perfectly fine at the… Keep reading…Lost a bit of solid ground…

Never been here before…

So are we gonna give in? What happens if we fall? — I keep digging around in the drafts folder (20 posts) looking for material to use. There’s this one that I keep circling back to as it’s actually complete, but completely irrelevant. I wrote a whole thing about a couple of story projects that were at the forefront of the moment, and it was a decent, complete post, but I didn’t publish it at… Keep reading…Never been here before…

All the mess we’re in…

Writing is hard. Yes, we’re on this again. It’s two-something in the morning as I write this and I’m not even close to being tired enough to go to bed. Which is great because I have an appointment at 10:15 and I’ll be good and exhausted for that. I had a surge of bad anxiety hit right before bedtime and…here we sit. The obnoxious thing about it, is it was mostly innocuous nonsense that spiked… Keep reading…All the mess we’re in…