So much for that…

Three nights in a row I slept through the night. Night four? Not so much. We went to bed around ten and I fell asleep sometime during a playlist. I woke up a little after 1:00 with a mouthful of heartburn. Yes. A mouthful. Yes. I had to share that. I got out of bed, ate a fistful of Tums, drank some cold water, sat upright for awhile. Then put my Sleephones back on, put… Keep reading…So much for that…

Ugly on the inside…

Dear WordPress, I would appreciate it if you would not take it upon yourself to go ahead and change my default settings on things. If I want things that way—I will change them to that myself. Please and thank you. Hate you so much, Me In other news, last night, for the first time in probably two months or more, I slept through the night. In the way that I sleep through the night. Which… Keep reading…Ugly on the inside…

Don’t wanna dance…

I started out writing a post and it turned into one giant bitch-fest. I decided to abandon that one. Because while the occasional bitch-fest is therapeutic, that one was fucking obnoxious. I’ve been trying to compose a “real” post for awhile and…I got nothing. Sure I have plenty of things to write about. I just can’t compose a coherent post. So I just don’t write anything. Oh I’ve been writing. I’ve been doing a lot… Keep reading…Don’t wanna dance…