Round Two…

If things had never gone off the rails with the first house we tried to buy, we would be closing in eighteen days. Unfortunately, that was not to be. We looked at four houses the week it all fell apart, found two we liked and picked one over the other. By the time we were clear to write an offer on it, it already had an offer on it. So we decided to try the… Keep reading…Round Two…

Four Oh One Kay…

Since I got fired my 401k has been sitting, untouched, until I figure out what to do with it. (And actually remember to figure out what to do with it.) It’s being maintained by the same investment company, but there’s no money going into it anymore. It’s in the “safe harbor fund” and it earns about $50 a quarter. Big money, kids. Big money. And since I have done nothing to the account, it’s still… Keep reading…Four Oh One Kay…


Last night the landlord sent Bob a text message about showing the house today at 3:00. After we were already in bed. So we didn’t get the message until this morning sometime after 9:00. Bob messaged him back saying we had plans and to please reschedule. He messaged back saying, “It’s only ONE appointment, it should only take 10 minutes and they MIGHT cancel.” So Bob replied, fine, but the house isn’t going to be… Keep reading…Herpderp…

Shopping time…

Yesterday Bob and I made our regular trip to Costco. We were both wearing our Blue Army Caboose hoodies—as we do. Rounding the corner out of an aisle a woman chased us down, shouting, “Excuse me! Can I ask you a question!?” We paused, because we’re nice like that, curious as to what she could possibly want to ask us. “Can I ask you a question? Do you work here?” “Um…no.” “Oh, I thought you… Keep reading…Shopping time…


Those who know me best know the story of Aaron. The boy I had a crush on for most of junior high and high school. I was “so in love” with him and had a pseudo friendship with him for a [very] brief time. And it actually wasn’t all in my head. It was way more convoluted than it needed to be in the way the teenage mind convolutes things. Or at least the way… Keep reading…Unrequited…


“A watched pot never boils…” More like: “A watched website never updates…” Only it does. Just not with the information you want or need. We submitted a purchase agreement on a house. They came back with a counter-offer. We knew they would. They countered with exactly what we knew they would. So we signed off on the counter offer. That should mean an accepted purchase agreement. But we have heard nothing. And there have been… Keep reading…Aggravation…