Reading into every word you say…

I had something I planned to write. And as soon as I opened the blank draft…gone. Should probably take that as a cue to just close the tab and forget about it for now, but I’ve never been one to apply logic to blogging. I should probably also go back and tally up the number of posts that start with that same sentiment or a variation thereof. I repeat myself. You may have noticed. My… Keep reading…Reading into every word you say…

Okay what does that even mean?

I watched Bob play a few parts of the first Mass Effect game. I don’t think he ever actually finished that play through. After Dragon Age II came out, Bioware gave free digital downloads of Mass Effect 2 to people who bought DAII. I played an hour or two of the game and…forgot about it. Now Mass Effect 3 is approaching release. I’m sure we won’t be playing it. Neither one of us is really… Keep reading…Okay what does that even mean?

There’s another part to play…

We went to the grocery store when Bob got home from work. Driving down the highway, I could have sworn it was snowing. Bob told me I was crazy because it was 43 degrees outside. When we came out of the store it was SNOWING and sticking and WTF winter where did you come from? Visibility was horrible on the drive home, but thankfully we were only about three miles away so we didn’t have… Keep reading…There’s another part to play…

Stop having feelings…

Bob and I have never celebrated Valentines Day. I doubt we ever will. We’re both of the mindset that it’s all a bunch of bullshit. Our plans for the evening are as such…Bob has a raid in Star Wars. I will spend that time writing and doing laundry. We are the epitome of romance. Clearly we are a perfect match. This is more my speed right here anyway… Because the Blood Gulch boys are the… Keep reading…Stop having feelings…

A letter to PIMA…

Dear Jim, I’ll be honest, there was a time I dreaded your very presence in the cubical next to mine. It was probably [mostly] unwarranted, but it was true. When the Absent Minded CFO fired The Beast and hired you (or re-hired as was pretty much the case) in her place, I was a little excited. Working for The Beast had been a nightmare. And being under the “management” of my sister was probably one… Keep reading…A letter to PIMA…

Peanut Butter Cup Bars…

Peanut butter and chocolate are a match made in heaven. (Though not quite as heavenly as caramel and chocolate, but that’s just me.) We love peanut butter in this house. And chocolate. And even more when they are smooshed together. I’ve seen countless recipes for peanut butter cups, peanut butter balls, [insert Reeses copycat recipe of choice here]. But they are all unnecessarily complicated or make enough to feed the state of California twice over…. Keep reading…Peanut Butter Cup Bars…