Insanity is having its way with me…

I could design a drinking game solely around my writing. And we’d all be drunk by the end of the first page. I haven’t been doing nearly as much writing lately, but I’ve been rereading a lot of what I’ve written in the past few months. The writing itself is not all that bad. Or at least some of it is decent. The repetition? HOLY SWEET CHRISTMAS, BATMAN, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? I took the… Keep reading…Insanity is having its way with me…

Memory is the key…

Memorial Day, Kids. Dear Dog I CANNOT WAIT. — Red vs Blue is now one of the longest running sci-fi shows in any medium—on any platform. Also worlds are colliding in my head because my current biggest shameless fangirl obsession has teamed up with one of my longest held shameless fangirl crushes. And then I giggled like the complete whackjob that I am. And because I am all about spreading the whatthefuckery… You will never… Keep reading…Memory is the key…

Don’t fear the morning…

Last night I tried going to bed when Bob did. I got up after he fell asleep. I finally got back in bed around 6AM. Par for the course. Caboose My phone woke me up at eight o’clock with the first alarm of the day (I HAVE SO MANY ACHIEVABLES!). I was conscious enough to turn it off, but in my stupor apparently I thought something else needed to be done with my phone. I… Keep reading…Don’t fear the morning…

What it would take…

Trying to blog. Can’t blog. … I’ve started and deleted about four posts already here tonight. I have a number of things to write about, but my mind is an extra special puddle of mush right now. … I made Southwest Eggrolls for dinner tonight. I haven’t made them in awhile so they tasted pretty damn good. I added a can of pinto beans with the black beans to give it more “meat.” Turned out… Keep reading…What it would take…