I’ve been Oh Hell No…

I can never seem to spell San Francisco correctly on the first try. At least not without staring at it for several, perplexing moments because it never looks like an actual word. Today’s Friday right? I never know what the hell day it is without checking a calendar several times a day. It’s been a really bad week for keeping track of that. It’s been…a week…this week. Meaning: not a good one in terms of… Keep reading…I’ve been Oh Hell No…

Population: Me…

It occurs to me that I have no idea what the population of the city I live in actually is. There are three cities that all have the same zip code and all of them have the exact same population number on their city-limit signs. So combining the three there are 18-some thousand people? Is that what that means? But how many are just in my city? This is the type of crap my mind… Keep reading…Population: Me…

Where I find myself again…

Did you know Kyrie Eleison is Greek for Lord have mercy? I looked that up recently. Because I’ve been singing that song for the last…twenty…some years without a fucking clue what it actually meant. (Kyrie by Mr. Mister) Apropos of nothing and all that. Anyway. … I was trying to write about writing, as I do, but much like the writing—it wasn’t working. So I deleted it. … Last week I smashed my toe by… Keep reading…Where I find myself again…

Brain freeze…

Saturday afternoon Bob and I hauled it down to Small Town, Minnesota for my cousin Jamie’s graduation party. Little Jamie, the first of many babies my mom took care of from my mid-teens and on. Little Jamie graduated from high school and now I feel So. Freaking. Old. Attending her party meant seeing members of my dad’s family I see all of once a year…if that. This is all well and good, they generally save… Keep reading…Brain freeze…

Though my heart might tell me so…

This Reunion story is certainly living up to the “from hell” title lately. My brain keeps digging up these little “what if?” scenarios and then I spend far too long trying to figure out if and how they would work in the context of the story. I try writing them out to see how they fare and piece them in little by little. Last night I asked Bob his opinion on one of these what… Keep reading…Though my heart might tell me so…

Looking for a two-ply hefty bag…

Bob is gone on the annual company fishing trip up on Mille Lacs and won’t be home until tomorrow. From the day I moved in with him, we have not spent one single night apart. Tonight is the first time in over four years that I will be sleeping alone. I kind of don’t know what to do with myself. After Bob left this afternoon, I started laundry and then started the unnecessarily daunting task… Keep reading…Looking for a two-ply hefty bag…