
I have been perming my hair since I was eight years old. (And to everyone who says perms are awful, thank you so much for implying my hair looks like shit…which admittedly, sometimes it does. But that generally has nothing to do with the chemically induced curl.) Before that it was straight, fine, and very flat. Not every perm has been the greatest (third grade school pictures, I’m looking at you), but I’ve never had… Keep reading…Hair…

Make for a good disguise…

a.) It’s 66 degrees in my bedroom. The rest of the house is currently 72 and comfortable, but the bedroom is consistently 66 degrees and freezing. With the heat on. Windows are highly overrated. b.) I keep looking at this blog, seeing a multitude of formatting issues that have been sitting around for far too long. And despite the fact that they drive me absolutely insane, I can never muster the mental fortitude to fix… Keep reading…Make for a good disguise…

Twittered out…

I gave up on Facebook almost two years ago. It was getting increasingly more difficult to filter out the shit I didn’t want to see and instead of fighting with the ever-changing (largely non-functional) settings of the site, it was just easier to STOP. It was a fantastic decision. I don’t miss it in the least. Sure I have no idea what’s going on with people I actually know, but really, if they miss me… Keep reading…Twittered out…

Just one of them things…

A few months back Bob made the observation that I hadn’t had any new music to listen to in a long time and that it was likely a contributing factor to my general disposition and lack of creative inspiration. I conceded that he was probably right—as he usually is—and lamented the nondescript time frames of upcoming releases from some of my favorites. And then everybody released new music at the same time. Better Than Ezra… Keep reading…Just one of them things…