Nothing more left here to see…

I love my home architect program. I spend hours designing and tweaking floor plans for story projects. It’s like my favorite video game. In high school I entertained the idea of becoming an architect. I had been fixated on designing houses since an 8th grade tech class had us designing a 2-bedroom house on graph paper. When I realized I could design my own houses for my stories, I was all over that shit. My… Keep reading…Nothing more left here to see…

Not much left to play…

After the miserable hell that is summer, I have a tendency to forget just how much it sucks to leave the house in the winter. Ice and snow and bad plow jobs and stupid people and it’s fucking COLD. Layer on the hoodies and pile on the blankets please and thank you. Burr. — That Was a Crazy Game of Poker O.A.R.

See the future…

I don’t know who wrote the code for MS Word’s spelling and grammar check, but I’m pretty sure they don’t actually know anything about grammar. Or spelling. Dictionary words are quite frequently not in Word’s dictionary. Do you have any idea how many times I write grammer before I spell it grammar? THANKS, ANDY. *ahem* I type “Is it true?” Word tries to convince me it’s supposed to be “Am it true?” NO, WORD, it… Keep reading…See the future…

Do what you’re thinking of…

1.) House still smells like bacon. Not quite as strong, but it’s especially noticeable when I open the bathroom door after taking a shower. Right then. 2.) Pumpkin banana bread turned out not bad. It’s a little flimsy and likes to fall apart like it has too much moisture, but not soggy. It’s weird. Needs tweaking. 3.) I woke up at 5-something this morning from a bizarre dream to the sound of the snow plow… Keep reading…Do what you’re thinking of…

Won’t mention tomorrow…

I had hope when I woke up this morning that the weather reports had been greatly exaggerated. And then I opened the blinds. And saw white. The forecast said it was going to start snowing in the middle of the night, last all day, all night, and into Tuesday morning, accumulating eight to twelve inches. Last recorded total I saw was ten inches. And while that was during a lull in the action, it’s still… Keep reading…Won’t mention tomorrow…