Final Fantasy Fourteen…

I started playing Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn a few months ago. It’s the current FF MMO. (It’s the revamp/relaunch of FFXIV from a few years ago that failed epically.) Bob started playing at launch last year, but I wasn’t in the right mindset to pick up a new MMO at the time. He finally lured me into it with Chocobos and Moogles. They are EVERYWHERE. You also eventually get your own Chocobo who… Keep reading…Final Fantasy Fourteen…

Planning parties for all the fools…

Century Link is the shittiest internet service of all the shitty internet services. For the second time in a week they are apparently throttling our internet access for no goddamn reason. I’m about to start hucking rocks at people. In other news… We got a Nug. He tried to establish dominance over the Tonberry. It didn’t go over well. So he forged an alliance with the [fancy] Turret. These are the things that happen in… Keep reading…Planning parties for all the fools…


I have been perming my hair since I was eight years old. (And to everyone who says perms are awful, thank you so much for implying my hair looks like shit…which admittedly, sometimes it does. But that generally has nothing to do with the chemically induced curl.) Before that it was straight, fine, and very flat. Not every perm has been the greatest (third grade school pictures, I’m looking at you), but I’ve never had… Keep reading…Hair…

I don’t need a reason for anything I feel…

This band. I love them. So. Fucking. Much. We drove over nine hundred miles to see them in concert. I couldn’t muster the mental fortitude to see them locally at the State Fair on Labor Day, but Colorado, Red Rocks, (and Andy Grammer, let’s be honest) got me to drive 1800+ miles for them. The band’s performance that night mixed with the energy of a crowd of 6000-some-odd people belting out every word along with… Keep reading…I don’t need a reason for anything I feel…


In September 2007, if you’d told me in two months I’d meet the love of my life and in two years I’d be married to him, I would have written you off as bat-shit crazy. Oh ye of little faith. It’s been five years since Bob and I got married. In a lot of ways I feel like I’ve known him forever. In others, HOLY CHRISTMAS how has it been five years already? (Seven together… Keep reading…Five…