Just a shadow fading out…

I have a tendency to let posts pile up in the drafts folder. Things that are too fragmented, too bitchy, too emotional, too sleep-deprived, too why-are-you-posting-that-on-the-internet, too…whathaveyou. I go through them periodically and purge or use pieces in other posts that actually get published. And some just sit there for months—or years—as I don’t have the heart to delete them because maybe someday they’ll get finished. — Not my fault… S: He’s like a puppy…. Keep reading…Just a shadow fading out…

It’s like five AM…

Actually at this very moment as I’m typing this it’s 6:21AM. But song lyrics as post titles and all that… I finally have my follow up with Dr. Brain next week. You know…TWELVE WEEKS after my EEG. But let’s rewind… I got a bill for the MRI (from March) and 2/5 of the 5-day EEG. Because Park Nicollet’s billing system makes a whole lot of sense. Bob took it away from me before I could… Keep reading…It’s like five AM…

The compass of my heart…

So… This dropped. It’s that guy again. In my head the color scheme of the album cover is totally a reference to Red Vs Blue. Because that’s how my brain works—mashing together all my unhealthy obsessions fixations into one all-inclusive fandom. I always have these extensive essays built up in my head when it comes to writing about music (new or otherwise), but when I sit down to put it on paper screen, the words… Keep reading…The compass of my heart…

Listen line by line…

This band, man. I fucking love them. *AHEM* My introduction to O.A.R. was Hey Girl in heavy rotation on Drive 105. (Oh how I miss non-shitty radio stations.) Somewhere along the line Love and Memories was added to the mix, but I don’t recall really looking into more of their music until Shattered (Turn the Car Around) hit radio. (After Drive went the way of every other station on the 105 frequency.) All Sides was… Keep reading…Listen line by line…

Sink or see it through…

I trailed off mid-sentence while talking to Bob because I got distracted by the bright green light on the power supply under his desk. This is my brain and welcome to it. In the past few months, I’ve largely detached myself from the internet so I have little to no idea what’s going on in the world. If I didn’t have a pack of pills to count down every four weeks, I’d have absolutely no… Keep reading…Sink or see it through…

Ambulatory Electroencephalogram…

My first neurologist appointment was nothing like I expected. I fully expected to go in, explain the phantom smoke stench, and have her stare at me like I’m insane. Then tell me since the MRI and EEG found nothing, there is nothing to be found. Neither nurse nor doctor stared at me like I was out of my mind when I told them I smell cigarette smoke that isn’t there. That’s the kind of thing… Keep reading…Ambulatory Electroencephalogram…