There’s gotta be stars behind those clouds…

1.) There are things I want to write but don’t have the mental capacity to put the words down. 2.) I survived an appointment with a new doctor. (A female physician’s assistant…who the hell am I?) She seemed very thorough and actually poked and prodded at the problems I brought up, giving me a point or two of actual new information. She’s my age…possibly younger than me…but I think I’ll give her another shot the… Keep reading…There’s gotta be stars behind those clouds…

Ambulatory Electroencephalogram…

My first neurologist appointment was nothing like I expected. I fully expected to go in, explain the phantom smoke stench, and have her stare at me like I’m insane. Then tell me since the MRI and EEG found nothing, there is nothing to be found. Neither nurse nor doctor stared at me like I was out of my mind when I told them I smell cigarette smoke that isn’t there. That’s the kind of thing… Keep reading…Ambulatory Electroencephalogram…

Down on its knees…

Detox Weekend Round One… Considering the entire experience with medication has been completely different than the first time around, I should have known better that coming off the medication would be COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. There were no 9-volt batteries to be found and I never thought I would actually miss them. I took my last dose of Prozac on a Wednesday night, my last dose of Trazodone had been two days before, and I stepped down… Keep reading…Down on its knees…

Brain freeze…

Saturday afternoon Bob and I hauled it down to Small Town, Minnesota for my cousin Jamie’s graduation party. Little Jamie, the first of many babies my mom took care of from my mid-teens and on. Little Jamie graduated from high school and now I feel So. Freaking. Old. Attending her party meant seeing members of my dad’s family I see all of once a year…if that. This is all well and good, they generally save… Keep reading…Brain freeze…

A letter to PIMA…

Dear Jim, I’ll be honest, there was a time I dreaded your very presence in the cubical next to mine. It was probably [mostly] unwarranted, but it was true. When the Absent Minded CFO fired The Beast and hired you (or re-hired as was pretty much the case) in her place, I was a little excited. Working for The Beast had been a nightmare. And being under the “management” of my sister was probably one… Keep reading…A letter to PIMA…

And I didn’t even get flowers first…

Back in September I got a letter from Walgreens telling me that starting January 1, 2012 they would no longer be able to fill prescriptions under the Express Scripts/Federated Insurance plan. It was a very…diplomatic…way of saying, “We’re terribly sorry that we care so much more about your health than your insurance company does. But we needed to tell you the truth.” There was never a single notification from the insurance company about this change…. Keep reading…And I didn’t even get flowers first…