Four in the morning and I’m staring at the stars…

The only light connecting me to where you are… I don’t know how many different posts I’ve started and deleted lately. I feel the overwhelming need to write something, but…I got nothin’. Nothing coherent, at least. No, no. Less coherent than usual. It’s four-something in the morning and…guess who’s not sleeping? I had a few nights in a row in bed at least. And it’s now Friday so…weekend. Emerson Mouse and I (Do you think… Keep reading…Four in the morning and I’m staring at the stars…

Minnesota WHAT?

Sometimes when I’m listening to a song for the first time, I’m not paying close enough attention to the lyrics, and I mis-hear what’s actually being said. Common occurrence. I know I’m not the only one. Sometimes what I hear (as opposed to what’s being said) makes me stop and say, “Wait—WHAT?” And then I have to back up and listen to it again to figure it out. Sometimes actually paying attention is all it… Keep reading…Minnesota WHAT?

Need a change from this burnt out scene…

S: *heavy sigh* R: Everything alright? S: Oh…just reading the internet. R: Realizing all hope for humanity is lost? S: Pretty much. R: Reading the internet will do that. S: I’m going to go back to watching music videos of cute boys in bands. R: That’s a good idea. Because it’s better than reality right now. (Shattered (Turn the Car Around) by O.A.R.) — Shattered (Turn the Car Around) O.A.R.

Something always comes from the music anyway…

When it comes to the music I obsess over love, sometimes it takes a little time for the switch to flip from Hey, I like this to OBSESSIVE FLAILING. Sometimes it’s almost instant (Andy Grammer, Ryan Star, Ingram Hill, Darren Criss) and after a handful of listens, the fixation is in overdrive. Sometimes it takes longer (Train, 3 Doors Down, O.A.R., Sister Hazel, Matt Nathanson, Better Than Ezra) to hit that critical point. Music can… Keep reading…Something always comes from the music anyway…

See the future…

I don’t know who wrote the code for MS Word’s spelling and grammar check, but I’m pretty sure they don’t actually know anything about grammar. Or spelling. Dictionary words are quite frequently not in Word’s dictionary. Do you have any idea how many times I write grammer before I spell it grammar? THANKS, ANDY. *ahem* I type “Is it true?” Word tries to convince me it’s supposed to be “Am it true?” NO, WORD, it… Keep reading…See the future…

Planning parties for all the fools…

Century Link is the shittiest internet service of all the shitty internet services. For the second time in a week they are apparently throttling our internet access for no goddamn reason. I’m about to start hucking rocks at people. In other news… We got a Nug. He tried to establish dominance over the Tonberry. It didn’t go over well. So he forged an alliance with the [fancy] Turret. These are the things that happen in… Keep reading…Planning parties for all the fools…