All night noise…

How the hell is it November already? I used to dread this month with every fiber of my being. Now I just sit and wonder where the hell the year went. The bat just thinks it’s funny. Then again, the bat thinks everything is funny. Happy Halloween. This is the extent of my decorations. What more does one need? A video posted by Sara T. (@aliasbob) on Oct 10, 2014 at 7:51am PDT At least we… Keep reading…All night noise…

Just one of them things…

A few months back Bob made the observation that I hadn’t had any new music to listen to in a long time and that it was likely a contributing factor to my general disposition and lack of creative inspiration. I conceded that he was probably right—as he usually is—and lamented the nondescript time frames of upcoming releases from some of my favorites. And then everybody released new music at the same time. Better Than Ezra… Keep reading…Just one of them things…

Maybe daylight won’t ask me questions…

I read an article somebody posted a link to…somewhere…recently…about how people who write are mentally healthier. I don’t know exactly how “scientific” the studies were, but it made sense to me. When the creativity is in a drought and I’m not doing much writing, there is an obvious gaping void in my life. When the words are flowing, my brain feels like it’s operating like something that resembles a functional adult in her mid-thirties. (MID-THIRTIES—Let’s… Keep reading…Maybe daylight won’t ask me questions…

I don’t need a reason for anything I feel…

This band. I love them. So. Fucking. Much. We drove over nine hundred miles to see them in concert. I couldn’t muster the mental fortitude to see them locally at the State Fair on Labor Day, but Colorado, Red Rocks, (and Andy Grammer, let’s be honest) got me to drive 1800+ miles for them. The band’s performance that night mixed with the energy of a crowd of 6000-some-odd people belting out every word along with… Keep reading…I don’t need a reason for anything I feel…

Just a shadow fading out…

I have a tendency to let posts pile up in the drafts folder. Things that are too fragmented, too bitchy, too emotional, too sleep-deprived, too why-are-you-posting-that-on-the-internet, too…whathaveyou. I go through them periodically and purge or use pieces in other posts that actually get published. And some just sit there for months—or years—as I don’t have the heart to delete them because maybe someday they’ll get finished. — Not my fault… S: He’s like a puppy…. Keep reading…Just a shadow fading out…

Wrecking ball came crashing through…

1.) WordPress updated to version 4.0. I haven’t found anything significantly FUBAR’d…yet. I’m sure I’ll find it soon enough. Because there is always something. (And I still haven’t figured out how to fix the formatting of the “now playing” line since WP FUBAR’d that.) 2.) This morning as the neighbors were loading into the car to go to school, I noticed the mother speaking at a human volume with a pleasant tone. Then I realized… Keep reading…Wrecking ball came crashing through…