Crazy would be changing your mind…

I had this whole post planned out in my head waxing analytical and poetic about the state of my brain when it comes to making decisions and blah, blah, blah. Then it got really long and drawn-out and it missed the point entirely of what I really wanted to say. I had a pipe dream about a road trip. Then I got nudged by a couple of completely fantastic friends about said pipe dream. And… Keep reading…Crazy would be changing your mind…

Just can’t make a sound…

Bob bought me portable iPod speakers. Now I don’t have to drag my laptop all over the house if I want music without the distraction of the intarwebz. Jungle Bernie approves of music on the counter. You know what else that means? Andy Grammer in my kitchen. Or any other room of my house. PRIORITIES And then he covered OneRepublic‘s Apologize and the beat boxing has never been so freaking adorable. I want to pinch… Keep reading…Just can’t make a sound…

Brain freeze…

Saturday afternoon Bob and I hauled it down to Small Town, Minnesota for my cousin Jamie’s graduation party. Little Jamie, the first of many babies my mom took care of from my mid-teens and on. Little Jamie graduated from high school and now I feel So. Freaking. Old. Attending her party meant seeing members of my dad’s family I see all of once a year…if that. This is all well and good, they generally save… Keep reading…Brain freeze…


It’s 11AM. I’ve been up since about 2:30. I’ve washed dishes, vacuumedswept the kitchen floor, baked a cake, made frosting for said cake, and now the dishwasher is running. I even took chicken out of the freezer and set to thaw in the fridge so I am forced to cook it for dinner tonight. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me either, but now I’m getting a headache that is presenting… Keep reading…Wait…what?

For a good time call…someone else…

I desperately want a new phone. I don’t need a new phone. I just want a new phone. I’ve had my little blue phone for two years. I’ve had a cellphone for as long as I’ve had my car. (Ten years this October, thank you.) I’ve had four phones in that time. My first was a Nokia brick that had changeable face plates. I had a blue one with yellow duckies. It came with the… Keep reading…For a good time call…someone else…

And I didn’t even get flowers first…

Back in September I got a letter from Walgreens telling me that starting January 1, 2012 they would no longer be able to fill prescriptions under the Express Scripts/Federated Insurance plan. It was a very…diplomatic…way of saying, “We’re terribly sorry that we care so much more about your health than your insurance company does. But we needed to tell you the truth.” There was never a single notification from the insurance company about this change…. Keep reading…And I didn’t even get flowers first…