Stop having feelings…

Bob and I have never celebrated Valentines Day. I doubt we ever will. We’re both of the mindset that it’s all a bunch of bullshit. Our plans for the evening are as such…Bob has a raid in Star Wars. I will spend that time writing and doing laundry. We are the epitome of romance. Clearly we are a perfect match. This is more my speed right here anyway… Because the Blood Gulch boys are the… Keep reading…Stop having feelings…

Missing in action…

I’ve tried several times to write something, but it just keeps coming out as excessively bitchy. So I delete it and try again. Christmas is one week away. I’m not even trying to pretend that I care. I’m just incredibly…FEH…about any and all holidays that require leaving the house and cramming into someone else’s house with too many other people. And I’m not hosting anything. So don’t ask. Tuesday started the early access for Star… Keep reading…Missing in action…


It’s supposed to snow for Christmas Eve. It might already be snowing. It probably is, judging by the weather radar map, but I haven’t looked outside. I desperately don’t want it to snow. We’re going to my sister’s house and I do not want to travel in the snow. Traveling in the snow is stressful enough. But I’m having flashbacks to last year on Christmas Eve. When it was snowing. Traffic was bad. And some… Keep reading…Flashbacks…

Swish swish stab…

It’s December 22nd (technically it’s the 23rd because it’s after midnight now, but for the sake of argument and the fact that I haven’t gone to bed yet, we’ll say it’s the 22nd and run with it). I was supposed to have my wedding thank you notes done to send out with my Christmas cards. I haven’t done either. I’m playing the ADHD card and sending them all out late. I haven’t even put up… Keep reading…Swish swish stab…