Sunshine Soldier…

Andy Grammer. Remember when I had about seventy-five embarrassing posts in a row babbling incessantly about this guy? Yeah. He still holds a prominent place in my music-obsessed heart. When we saw him live last year, he played a new song called The Good Parts. It was just him and his piano and it was magic.     I’ll admit it. I cried the first time I listened to this thing. (Nevermind I cry at… Keep reading…Sunshine Soldier…

Melting over time…

Oh hey, it’s August. July was fully centered on surgery and recovery and staring blankly at various points in front of me because I didn’t have the energy for much else. Aside from whining about it on Twitter. I did A LOT of whining about it on Twitter. Nothing new there. So. Stuff. And things… 1.) I may or may not write a lengthy post about septoplasty and bilateral turbinate reduction. I have plenty to… Keep reading…Melting over time…

Caught in a one-way street…

I didn’t make a single post in the month of May and we’re already approaching the end of June. Generally in the long stretches between posts, I start, revisit, abandon, and/or delete half a dozen drafts trying to come up with something to write that doesn’t make me want to bang my head against the wall. This time around… I don’t think I even really opened WordPress. I’ve barely been writing anything. I started this… Keep reading…Caught in a one-way street…

Between the lines…

I keep opening up WordPress and staring at my dashboard thinking I need to write something, but mostly I just hear a lot of screaming inside my head. This is because I usually just read the latest headline regarding a certain deranged, blaze orange, narcissistic game show host who’s about to be given free reign over nuclear weapons and all his willfully ignorant and deranged cult followers. But I don’t want to talk about that…. Keep reading…Between the lines…

Emotionally overrun…

I try to keep up with current events in the news so I have at least some idea of what’s going on in the world, but it can really take a harsh toll on my mental health. Especially as of late with the rapidly approaching election and the terrifying prospect of a horrific, degenerate psychopath becoming our next president. Instead… Things that are good… 1.) We ordered new blinds for all of our windows. (All… Keep reading…Emotionally overrun…

Lean in for a sweet ride…

I have eight-thousand-some-odd tracks in my iTunes library. And I have a few hundred CDs that have never been ripped to digital form. (When I condensed all of our physical media into a smaller space, I realized just how many albums I have that are not on my computer. It would take days to rip all of them.) And I’m always on the prowl for more. Never. Enough. Music. Even so, I have a habit… Keep reading…Lean in for a sweet ride…