Memory is the key…

Memorial Day, Kids. Dear Dog I CANNOT WAIT. — Red vs Blue is now one of the longest running sci-fi shows in any medium—on any platform. Also worlds are colliding in my head because my current biggest shameless fangirl obsession has teamed up with one of my longest held shameless fangirl crushes. And then I giggled like the complete whackjob that I am. And because I am all about spreading the whatthefuckery… You will never… Keep reading…Memory is the key…

Name Game…

When I’m developing a new story, I spend countless hours just naming the characters. I have multiple copies of baby name books and spend more time than I care to admit pouring over thousands of names trying to find the right fit. When all is said and done, I typically have a goto list that tends to repeat in most projects, but they’re names that I like and don’t mind using over and over again,… Keep reading…Name Game…

Stop having feelings…

Bob and I have never celebrated Valentines Day. I doubt we ever will. We’re both of the mindset that it’s all a bunch of bullshit. Our plans for the evening are as such…Bob has a raid in Star Wars. I will spend that time writing and doing laundry. We are the epitome of romance. Clearly we are a perfect match. This is more my speed right here anyway… Because the Blood Gulch boys are the… Keep reading…Stop having feelings…

A familiar town…

I had twenty-some posts sitting in drafts. I finally went through and purged it down to four. I’d call that progress. I keep trying to write something about writing and it’s all coming out as indecipherable gibberish. Much like my writing. Par for the course. I did 1/2 mile in 10 minutes on the elliptical today. I’ll chalk that one up in the victory column. I’ve been doing 1/4 mile averaging 5.5 to 6.5 minutes… Keep reading…A familiar town…

Bleep Bloop…

One day…last week?…two weeks ago?…we’ll just say recently and run with that…Bob and I were having a conversation about my headaches—because I was having one—and he asked me how much water I drink during the day. I said, “Not enough.” Because it’s true. I don’t drink enough water daily. I forget. Because I forget…everything. My brain doesn’t work. We’ve been over this. Bob said I need some sort of alarm to go off every couple… Keep reading…Bleep Bloop…