Listen line by line…

This band, man. I fucking love them. *AHEM* My introduction to O.A.R. was Hey Girl in heavy rotation on Drive 105. (Oh how I miss non-shitty radio stations.) Somewhere along the line Love and Memories was added to the mix, but I don’t recall really looking into more of their music until Shattered (Turn the Car Around) hit radio. (After Drive went the way of every other station on the 105 frequency.) All Sides was… Keep reading…Listen line by line…

Sink or see it through…

I trailed off mid-sentence while talking to Bob because I got distracted by the bright green light on the power supply under his desk. This is my brain and welcome to it. In the past few months, I’ve largely detached myself from the internet so I have little to no idea what’s going on in the world. If I didn’t have a pack of pills to count down every four weeks, I’d have absolutely no… Keep reading…Sink or see it through…

Ambulatory Electroencephalogram…

My first neurologist appointment was nothing like I expected. I fully expected to go in, explain the phantom smoke stench, and have her stare at me like I’m insane. Then tell me since the MRI and EEG found nothing, there is nothing to be found. Neither nurse nor doctor stared at me like I was out of my mind when I told them I smell cigarette smoke that isn’t there. That’s the kind of thing… Keep reading…Ambulatory Electroencephalogram…

Scratch ticket lottery…

Do you have any idea what it’s like to walk down the hallway in the dark in the middle of the night and find a Tonberry in your path? Way more disturbing than it should be for a foot-tall stuffed animal. It’s after three in the morning. My mind is racing on a million different things. I might be starting to get a little bit tired, but it’s only fitting that sleep is giving me… Keep reading…Scratch ticket lottery…

While the walls come tumbling down…

1.) I am bored and irritated with the internet. And most people in general. And reading the news makes me want to start campaigning to enact mandatory sterilization of complete imbeciles. 2.) I’ve been listening to a lot of Glee music. (Though mostly just songs featuring Kurt and Blaine.) Because sometimes a person just needs to drown out the incessant noise with painfully awkward music numbers. 3.) Writer’s block is kicking my ass and draining… Keep reading…While the walls come tumbling down…