Always second guessing…

1.) I’ve lost eight pounds since I started taking the full dose of medication. I have absolutely no appetite and putting food in my mouth makes me physically gag. I don’t remember much of anything from the first time I started taking Topamax and Prozac, but I’m pretty sure I would remember if it had made me feel like absolute crap 24/7. It didn’t kill my appetite like this though. I lost all the weight… Keep reading…Always second guessing…

Less than perfect…

Wednesday night I heard a weird noise that Bob thought sounded like wind rattling the house. Upon further inspection I found WATER DRIPPING FROM THE LIVING ROOM WINDOW. Oh hey, remember the Mystery Leak To End All Mystery Leaks when we had the whole front wall and half the ceiling of our living room torn out trying to find the damn leak and closing on our house was almost delayed and OH MY GOD CAN… Keep reading…Less than perfect…

It’s already hard enough…

I am attempting fajitas in the crockpot for dinner. Sheep is dubious and would like to just go back to bed. Thanks for the support, critter. Appreciate it. Yesterday I was laying in bed with my laptop—as I do—and I felt like I was falling forward despite not actually moving. I also had considerable tingling in my fingers and buzzing in my foot. Later I felt as though I was suspended in Jello. (Why is… Keep reading…It’s already hard enough…

Never mind the reasons…

1.) It snowed…a lot…Wednesday morning. Normally not headline news, but I had an appointment at 9AM twelve miles from my house and it took 45 minutes to get there in really slow traffic on un-plowed roads. Thank God I had Bob to drive me instead of having to drive myself. 2.) I met my new psychiatrist. She’s very monotone. She took a lot of notes. I shed a lot of tears and snot. When I… Keep reading…Never mind the reasons…

Keep sailing on…

Insomnia. Sleep is for the weak. I got a call today (yesterday…whatever) confirming my psychiatrist appointment. Eleven days in advance. Close enough. At least I know they still have an appointment scheduled for me. Since I scheduled the appointment, I’ve had a strong feeling in my gut that something is going to go wrong by the time the appointment rolls around and I’ll be back to square one. It’s not just pessimistic tendencies at work… Keep reading…Keep sailing on…

Something about chocolate…

The only time I listen to the radio is in the car. And that’s only when we’re out running errands. If I’m going any distance, it’s CDs or the iPod depending on which one of us is driving. Yet with as little as I actually listen to the radio, I swear I hear the same damn song every time I’m in the car. It has a poppy beat you can dance to and would probably… Keep reading…Something about chocolate…