Never gonna make it stop…

I was digging through some folders in the black hole that is my hard drive and found this…screenshot? showcasing ADHD versus reality, and while I have no idea where I found it or who created it in the first place (Whoo! Etch-a-Sketch brain!) it struck me (probably in the same way it did when I first found it…whenever that was) how well it explains……this. And by that, I mean the hot mess of a website… Keep reading…Never gonna make it stop…

No need to analyze…

August is almost over and I actually considered just saying FUCKIT to the July stats, but here we are. Week 75…76…whatever… Everything is still shitty so we’re still counting weeks. Anyway. It has actually rained a few times in the last week (there is a whole lot of rumbling thunder as I type) so the humidity is up to make the incessant 80/90-something temperatures more disgusting. But the extended forecast is promising a drop… Keep reading…No need to analyze…

Been there for awhile…

I write a lot of blog posts in my head. Mostly while I’m in bed, staring at the wall, not sleeping, debating if I should just relent and get up, or force myself to stay put in the hopes I’ll get tired enough to fall asleep. It’s fun times. The downside to writing posts in my head…when I finally open up a blank draft, I pretty much lose everything I wanted to say. That’s not… Keep reading…Been there for awhile…