
MS Word keeps a running word count of a given document in the bottom corner of the screen. I know it’s not entirely accurate as it seems to count every so many spaces as words, but I figure it can’t be that far off from the actual numbers. I have a story document sitting at 78 pages and roughly 32,000 words. It was created December 5, 2010. I’ve been working on it off and on… Keep reading…Counted…

Sleep is for the weak…

I haven’t slept. My sleep schedule has been so far out of whack for the past…I don’t even remember at this point. I don’t know which end is up most days. If I keep myself properly occupied, I should be able to just stay awake all day, and then maybe I’ll be able to sleep tonight. I’m not holding my breath. In the meantime, I’m fighting with WordPress trying to get a theme to work… Keep reading…Sleep is for the weak…


I have a lot of notes for my various writing projects. A lot of them are from back when I had a job. Something would pop into my head that sounded good and I knew I’d forget it by the time I got home, so I’d put it in a email to myself. I’ve been going through those notes a lot lately, looking for ideas and inspiration. A good chunk of those notes are for… Keep reading…Scribbled…


The battle to get something written wages on. I keep looking at projects I have in the works, ideas I have brewing, and everything eventually seems to circle back around to the same plan. I’m starting to think I should just quit trying to find something else to work on and just work on that one. I also need to stop trying to over-plan every last detail of said story and just write it. I… Keep reading…Circles…


I have a point-and-shoot digital camera. These days the [updated] model runs probably less than $200. When I bought it five years ago, it was well over $300. I also paid a good $40 for my 2GB SD card. I saw a 16GB SD card at Microcenter for $12. Technology is a rip-off, really. Anyway. Sometime…recently (I can’t keep track of these things)…I came across a blog post talking about white-balance, and how to adjust… Keep reading…Balanced…


When I start building characters for a story project, I cast them. I think in terms of, if this were a movie…who could I best see playing the roll? I don’t necessarily stick to strictly actors. I pull from anywhere, including real life. It’s much easier for me to write a character when I know what they look like. Even if the character’s personality is the polar opposite of their real-life counterpart. I know I’m… Keep reading…Starring…who?