Standing in the dark…

It’s offensive-something-o’clock in the middle of the night and I’m sitting at my desk in the dark with a mug of room-temperature tea. As I’m writing this, the oldest post on the main page of ye olde blog is my Year in Review survey for 2016. Which means I’ve only published ten posts in 2017. If I actually post this one, it will finally push that one to the next page. But still. That’s pathetic…. Keep reading…Standing in the dark…

Damn these days…

Insomnia and anxiety are great, I don’t know what you’re talking about. There are so many things I could be writing about, but they’re not getting written because I just don’t have the mental fortitude for it. I write plenty of posts dumping out raw emotions that never get published. They just sit in the drafts folder never to see the light of day. It feels better to purge my brain, and everything I write… Keep reading…Damn these days…

I’m drinkin’ tonight…

Not really. It’s just a Train song. (I really need to ask Bob to help me with getting the custom “now playing” field back on my posts.) Though if I actually drank I probably would be blasted right about now. But I don’t. So I’m not. Alas. Instead I’m sitting here at ungodly o’clock with a mug of tea steaming up my glasses and I’m pretty sure it’s mocking me. The anxiety pit has been… Keep reading…I’m drinkin’ tonight…

Willing to bet it…

Listing… 1.) Insomnia is a royal bitch. 2.) Every twenty-eight days, my uterus tries to kill me. This may or may not be a large contributor to list item number one. Currently, at least. The rest of the time is a mixed bag of fun. And by fun, I mean EFFFFFF Youuuuuu. 3.) Somebody told me recently that I’m young in terms of changing my mind about having kids. I’m 35. So…no. No I’m not…. Keep reading…Willing to bet it…

Been off that track…

It’s after six in the morning. I haven’t slept. The in-laws are supposed to be coming over right around the time Bob has to leave for work so his dad can beat Joel the Obstinate and Cursed Jetta (TM) into submission. Or hook up his battery charger. Whichever. It’s Monday. I’ve been working on a story project for the past few months that is a very slow slog. I am actually quite in-like with what… Keep reading…Been off that track…

Four in the morning and I’m staring at the stars…

The only light connecting me to where you are… I don’t know how many different posts I’ve started and deleted lately. I feel the overwhelming need to write something, but…I got nothin’. Nothing coherent, at least. No, no. Less coherent than usual. It’s four-something in the morning and…guess who’s not sleeping? I had a few nights in a row in bed at least. And it’s now Friday so…weekend. Emerson Mouse and I (Do you think… Keep reading…Four in the morning and I’m staring at the stars…