Domestic goddess I am not…

Making a grocery list is difficult. I know what we need, as far as our “usual” stuff goes. I just don’t know what to put on it in terms of variety and not crap. I don’t know what to put on it in terms of “new” stuff. Bob and I have been learning as we go when it comes to cooking. When we first met, after we moved in together, we ate out almost all… Keep reading…Domestic goddess I am not…

If you could just believe you are…

I don’t know how to write a music review. But one of my very favorite bands released a new album today. Ingram Hill released their latest effort Look Your Best today. The iTunes version has two bonus tracks you can’t get anywhere else (of course). I am in love all over again. This band has kept me inexplicably sane more times I can count in the years since I first discovered their music. Blasting their… Keep reading…If you could just believe you are…

Have some cheese with your whine…

I’ve had AT&Tingular for my cell phone service for eight years. I don’t have any plans to move away from it. I’ve never had much of a problem with getting a signal or calls dropping. Other than in the office building I worked in and that was just because the building I worked in was…for lack of a better word…shit. I see so many people bitch and complain about AT&Tingular’s service and how they can’t… Keep reading…Have some cheese with your whine…

That’s what wrenches are for…

I have an impossible time sitting down to watch movies. I just don’t have the attention span for them most days. Just the idea of sitting down to watch a movie usually makes me want to bang my head against the wall. Because it’s like being told I’m required to sit absolutely still for the next two hours. I DON’T KNOW WHY. Actually I know why—sort of—I just wish I had more control over it… Keep reading…That’s what wrenches are for…

Year One…

One year ago today I married the love of my life. I started out writing something entirely different about us and our relationship, but it turned in a direction I didn’t want. Maybe it’s something I could write for another day. But not today. Our tiny wedding ceremony might have excluded a lot of people, but it was perfect for US. We had the wedding we wanted. If there is anything I feel like I… Keep reading…Year One…

enter title here…

I’m pretty sure someone spilled an entire bottle of cheap cologne in the hallway outside my bedroom door. What the holy hell? At least it’s not freaking Polo. *GAG* Whatever it is, it’s only 6:30 in the morning and my gag reflex is not responding well to the stench. At all. If I ever get pregnant, I am completely SCREWED when it comes to smells. I can’t handle them now. What am I going to… Keep reading…enter title here…