Looking for a two-ply hefty bag…

Bob is gone on the annual company fishing trip up on Mille Lacs and won’t be home until tomorrow. From the day I moved in with him, we have not spent one single night apart. Tonight is the first time in over four years that I will be sleeping alone. I kind of don’t know what to do with myself. After Bob left this afternoon, I started laundry and then started the unnecessarily daunting task… Keep reading…Looking for a two-ply hefty bag…


It’s 11AM. I’ve been up since about 2:30. I’ve washed dishes, vacuumedswept the kitchen floor, baked a cake, made frosting for said cake, and now the dishwasher is running. I even took chicken out of the freezer and set to thaw in the fridge so I am forced to cook it for dinner tonight. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with me either, but now I’m getting a headache that is presenting… Keep reading…Wait…what?


I had a dream that I was pregnant. Judging by the size, I’d guess seven or eight months along. I was wandering around some sort of get-together in search of Bob while people marveled over the fact that I was still wearing my wedding ring. Bob appeared to be missing completely from the gathering and I got sidetracked from my search by a plate of baked potatoes. Because obviously. Then I shared my Investigation Discovery… Keep reading…Mmm…potatoes…

Hey! Hey! Hey! Listen! Watchout!

Java Update is the Navi of software updates. JU: Hey! Java Update. Me: Not right now. Busy. JU: HEY! Java Update! Me: Later, please. JU: HEY! HEY! JAVA UPDATE! Me: For the love of—I said, LATER. JU: HEYJAVAUPDATE! YOU SHOULD UPDATE JAVA ZOMGRIGHTNAO BEFORE SUMONE DIES ZOMG!!!!1!!!!111! Me: FINE. Do your fucking update already. JU: This software is already installed. Me: Jezuz H. Roman are you effing kidding me? JU: Yahoo Toolbar? —

Shopping time…

Yesterday Bob and I made our regular trip to Costco. We were both wearing our Blue Army Caboose hoodies—as we do. Rounding the corner out of an aisle a woman chased us down, shouting, “Excuse me! Can I ask you a question!?” We paused, because we’re nice like that, curious as to what she could possibly want to ask us. “Can I ask you a question? Do you work here?” “Um…no.” “Oh, I thought you… Keep reading…Shopping time…

In the morning they were wrong…

I am in dire need of a hair cut. My shortest layer is almost touching my shoulders. If I comb my hair straight, it probably is touching my shoulders by now. And the longest is far beyond my shoulders. This is the longest my hair has been in several years. It is driving me absolutely batty. I just can’t seem to get my ass out the door to get it cut. There is a Fantastic… Keep reading…In the morning they were wrong…