Maybe not so much…

Brain Dump: Writing About Writing… Every time I think I have successfully refocused my brain to work on a given story, Basil leans on my shoulder all, Yeah proud of you, but how ’bout this one? But he doesn’t usually have any sort of useful inspiration to offer for working on that one, but it’s enough of a distraction to derail what focus I had on the other one and the cycle begins anew. I… Keep reading…Maybe not so much…

Never gonna make it stop…

I was digging through some folders in the black hole that is my hard drive and found this…screenshot? showcasing ADHD versus reality, and while I have no idea where I found it or who created it in the first place (Whoo! Etch-a-Sketch brain!) it struck me (probably in the same way it did when I first found it…whenever that was) how well it explains……this. And by that, I mean the hot mess of a website… Keep reading…Never gonna make it stop…

Every single minute…

According to WordPress there are 221 revisions on this post. That might be some sort of record. This thing has a way higher word count than I ever expected it to for what I originally wanted to write. Granted I can’t imagine the word count function on this platform is terribly accurate considering all of the HTML tags, links, and alt-text crammed in here. I have no idea how it handles that. Still. It’s excessive…. Keep reading…Every single minute…

Nothing to declare…

June 1st. Week 116. It’s only been six days. WTF is happening? I’m distracting myself from swearing about my goddamnmotherfuckingcursed car by fixating on the fact that good ol’ Panic! At the Disco dropped a new song today and announced an album release date for August 19th. (Here’s hoping it’s not some experimental concept album.) I’m kind of annoyed that this is more exciting to me than the new O.A.R. song that dropped two weeks… Keep reading…Nothing to declare…

No need to analyze…

August is almost over and I actually considered just saying FUCKIT to the July stats, but here we are. Week 75…76…whatever… Everything is still shitty so we’re still counting weeks. Anyway. It has actually rained a few times in the last week (there is a whole lot of rumbling thunder as I type) so the humidity is up to make the incessant 80/90-something temperatures more disgusting. But the extended forecast is promising a drop… Keep reading…No need to analyze…

It’s a coin toss…

It’s June. It’s Week 64…ish. It is ungodly o’clock in the middle of the night as I type this and it is STILL EIGHTY FUCKING DEGREES outside. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this (I have. Countless times.), but I fucking hate summer so goddamn much. (I’m not the only one.) It’s not even officially summer yet, and we’re in the middle of a week-long hellscape of ninety-some-odd-fucking-degree temperatures and I am unfathomably angry… Keep reading…It’s a coin toss…