Lack of motivation…

February. Week 46. My brain is complete mush. No-no, more than usual. I spent most of January battling shitty insomnia until my body said FUCK THIS SHIT and knocked me down hard. But a forced hard reset seems to have shifted my sleep back into something almost resembling that of a normal human, so…I guess I’ll take it while it lasts. The same thing happened at the beginning of last year, but it gradually slipped… Keep reading…Lack of motivation…

Disconnected function…

A few weeks back, I had a whole list of things in my head that I wanted to write about. And then… Nothin’. Par for the course.   Listing…   1.) We finally bought a humidifier for the bedroom. It felt like the air got super dry super fast when the weather turned cold this season, and if last winter taught me anything, turbinate reduction is great for BREATHING, but not so much for maintaining… Keep reading…Disconnected function…

Knew right then and there…

A while back there was a thing going around on Twitter to explain the story behind your user name. Alias Bob. Sometimes I wonder if people see my name and think it’s one of those creepy, weird, shared, couple’s accounts where we act like we literally share a brain. In reality it has nothing to do with my husband. I don’t remember which platform I originally used that moniker on, but it’s been around for… Keep reading…Knew right then and there…

Caught in a joyride…

  Or just in general… S: I just did a Windows update. Now I’m doing an iTunes update. R: Wow. You really wanna fuck things up, don’t you? Why are you suddenly feeling so masochistic? S: I tend to make bad decisions when I’m overheated. — Fair enough… S: You would think after all this time, iTunes would— R: Uh-uh. S: Good point. R: All you had to say was iTunes. — There are no… Keep reading…Caught in a joyride…

Standing in the dark…

It’s offensive-something-o’clock in the middle of the night and I’m sitting at my desk in the dark with a mug of room-temperature tea. As I’m writing this, the oldest post on the main page of ye olde blog is my Year in Review survey for 2016. Which means I’ve only published ten posts in 2017. If I actually post this one, it will finally push that one to the next page. But still. That’s pathetic…. Keep reading…Standing in the dark…

Another perfect lie…

Conversations in Geek Love: You couldn’t have told me that nine years ago? R: Can I park there? What does that sign say? S: “Patients with children parking only.” R: Oh fine then. Whatever. S: If I have a kid, but don’t have them with me, can I still park there? Technically I’m a patient with a child. R: I think you need to have the kid with you. S: Whatever. Just because I don’t… Keep reading…Another perfect lie…