What it would take…

Trying to blog. Can’t blog. … I’ve started and deleted about four posts already here tonight. I have a number of things to write about, but my mind is an extra special puddle of mush right now. … I made Southwest Eggrolls for dinner tonight. I haven’t made them in awhile so they tasted pretty damn good. I added a can of pinto beans with the black beans to give it more “meat.” Turned out… Keep reading…What it would take…

Name Game…

When I’m developing a new story, I spend countless hours just naming the characters. I have multiple copies of baby name books and spend more time than I care to admit pouring over thousands of names trying to find the right fit. When all is said and done, I typically have a goto list that tends to repeat in most projects, but they’re names that I like and don’t mind using over and over again,… Keep reading…Name Game…

Alone would suit me just fine…

It’s 6:40 on a Saturday morning. I haven’t slept. I am currently not tired. My brain is completely WIRED. Part of me thinks I could just stay awake all day. But the other part of me knows I’ll hit a wall about mid-morning and crash. So I sit and debate what I should do. And curse my inability to maintain a human sleep schedule. And possibly keep hitting play on a couple of songs that… Keep reading…Alone would suit me just fine…

Reading into every word you say…

I had something I planned to write. And as soon as I opened the blank draft…gone. Should probably take that as a cue to just close the tab and forget about it for now, but I’ve never been one to apply logic to blogging. I should probably also go back and tally up the number of posts that start with that same sentiment or a variation thereof. I repeat myself. You may have noticed. My… Keep reading…Reading into every word you say…

Okay what does that even mean?

I watched Bob play a few parts of the first Mass Effect game. I don’t think he ever actually finished that play through. After Dragon Age II came out, Bioware gave free digital downloads of Mass Effect 2 to people who bought DAII. I played an hour or two of the game and…forgot about it. Now Mass Effect 3 is approaching release. I’m sure we won’t be playing it. Neither one of us is really… Keep reading…Okay what does that even mean?

There’s another part to play…

We went to the grocery store when Bob got home from work. Driving down the highway, I could have sworn it was snowing. Bob told me I was crazy because it was 43 degrees outside. When we came out of the store it was SNOWING and sticking and WTF winter where did you come from? Visibility was horrible on the drive home, but thankfully we were only about three miles away so we didn’t have… Keep reading…There’s another part to play…