In the morning they were wrong…

I am in dire need of a hair cut. My shortest layer is almost touching my shoulders. If I comb my hair straight, it probably is touching my shoulders by now. And the longest is far beyond my shoulders. This is the longest my hair has been in several years. It is driving me absolutely batty. I just can’t seem to get my ass out the door to get it cut. There is a Fantastic… Keep reading…In the morning they were wrong…

Getaway…or get away…

Bob is on vacation this week. I am getting spoiled all over again. After three years you’d think we’d be dying for some time apart. No. Not so much. The more time I spend with him, the more time I want to spend with him. After ten days joined at the hip (get your minds out of the gutter you dirty little pigs) when he goes back to work on Monday I will be lonely… Keep reading…Getaway…or get away…

Swish swish stab…

It’s December 22nd (technically it’s the 23rd because it’s after midnight now, but for the sake of argument and the fact that I haven’t gone to bed yet, we’ll say it’s the 22nd and run with it). I was supposed to have my wedding thank you notes done to send out with my Christmas cards. I haven’t done either. I’m playing the ADHD card and sending them all out late. I haven’t even put up… Keep reading…Swish swish stab…


Mmmm…mashed potatoes… No. Wait. That wasn’t what that was supposed to be a reference to. Sidetracked. Anyway. It’s no secret that my latest fixation has been Red vs Blue and the crew at Rooster Teeth. (And not just Caboose Joel.) I could probably write an entire post flailing about that. But this is not that post. On a number of occasions recently (or not so recently, my timing is impeccable these days), a handful of… Keep reading…Mashed…

Guess I needed something new…

I had an odd dream one night last week that left me wondering if I could somehow use a piece of it in a story. It jabbed me in the side of the brain constantly for a few days and the next thing I knew, I had one of my “Never See the Light of Day” projects sitting in front of me. One of those story lines that is so ridiculous I would never let… Keep reading…Guess I needed something new…