Then there was you…

So this showed up in my mailbox on Thursday. It doesn’t actually come out until Tuesday, but that’s the occasional perk of pre-ordering things I suppose. Ooof. Matt Nathanson is so ridiculously good at what he does. My only complaint is the eleven song track list falls just short of 40 minutes in length. Is it just me or are full length albums getting shorter even with the requisite 10 to 12 songs? Seems like… Keep reading…Then there was you…

Wrong way down…

1.) Watching Bob play The Last of Us. Fucking Christ THIS GAME. They have you crying before the opening credits roll and then…oh ye gods. And I’m pretty sure the character Ellie swears more than I do. That’s saying something. 2.) Family picnic tomorrow at the park around the corner. I’m trying not to dread social interaction. 3.) Season 11 of Red vs Blue started last night. I painted my nails red vs blue for… Keep reading…Wrong way down…

Don’t hardly understand…

a.) My brain is mush. b.) Few things make me question my already dwindling sanity more than the phantom cigarette smoke stench. How can it be THAT STRONG and I am the ONLY ONE who smells it? c.) Writing is not coming easy these days. d.) Got a statement from the insurance company. Always a fun day. One page had some very confusing math happening that I THINK means I won’t have to pay for… Keep reading…Don’t hardly understand…


And then Bob came home from work carrying dinner. And with the news that he has the entire next week off from work for my birthday and Thanksgiving. Spoiled? Yes. Yes I am. We also have an appointment Tuesday to get my car fixed so it is safely drivable again. Though we’ll still need to figure out when we’re going to get the bumper fixed. I should probably get that post written about our trip… Keep reading…Spoiled…

Turn me over and over…

I currently have fourteen unposted entries sitting in drafts. I can’t seem to complete a thought…ever. I hooked up a standard keyboard to my laptop so I can sit back from my desk with the keyboard in my lap while I’m writing. I am incapable of typing on a regular keyboard apparently. My typos have increased tenfold methinks. It’s also actually a Mac keyboard, swiped from Bob’s Fubar’ed iMac. There are a lot of extra… Keep reading…Turn me over and over…

Don’t wanna dance…

I started out writing a post and it turned into one giant bitch-fest. I decided to abandon that one. Because while the occasional bitch-fest is therapeutic, that one was fucking obnoxious. I’ve been trying to compose a “real” post for awhile and…I got nothing. Sure I have plenty of things to write about. I just can’t compose a coherent post. So I just don’t write anything. Oh I’ve been writing. I’ve been doing a lot… Keep reading…Don’t wanna dance…